About Drwhomust

Nightcralwer from KP

Drwhomust is a game devloper from a town called Reno Nevada USA and his time zone is PT. He works as a freelance game dev and likes the roblox game Kaiju Paradise (you can tell by his oc is the nightcrawler from the game), Minecraft, and Undertale by Toby Fox. Drwhomust makes games for a few game studios but has made his own games like "Yellow man" and "Goofy Guy RPG". He knows the following game engeines: Unity, Gamemaker, Source (both gary's mod and VALVe), Roblox, and this main game engeine he uses GDevelop. He was a lot of experience with making games and hopes he can make a big game someday. Other stuff about him is that he is a furry, bad at drawing. and pronouns are He/Him. And also he is a minor

If you want to make contact DM me on discord @drwhomusteat

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